Thursday, February 4, 2010


Hey Hey Hey!
I haven't written a random post in a while. I don't think. I might be wrong...
Anyway! I'm just sitting in my room and I decided to write a blog post right now. Hmmm...what can I talk about? I don't really know. So I think I'll just keep typing stuff. And talk about nothing really. Is anyone even going to read this? Oh well. I'll still post it. So yea. I'm in my room and I am freezing!! I'll go turn the heater on. BRB..........................Okay I'm back. My room is still cold. It'll take a while to heat up. I'm wearing fuzzy socks but they're not very fuzzy so my feet are also cold. I'm wearing two shirts. A long sleeved one, then a spaghetti strap one on top of it. And jeans. And I'm very cold. I should probably do homework soon. So I can go to sleep early. I usually go to sleep after midnight. I'm talking about weekdays. On weekends it's drastically different. So on weekdays I have to get up around 6 30. So this is not enough sleep for me. Yesterday I was lucky to go to sleep at 10 30. But my family is so freaking rude and inconsiderate! I told them I was going to sleep and they still were loud! I need complete silence to sleep. If there is any small noise, I can't fall asleep. So I'm really hoping that today I'll be able to go to sleep early. So I need to get my homework done soon and super fast. Well I guess that's all I have to say right now. Bye!


AFIxFFTL said...

You're so random Diana! Haha, gotta love it. I'm glad you're trying to go to bed earlier. A well-rested Diana is always a happy Diana.

PrincessDiana said...

Yay, I'm so happy you visited my blog again :) :D
Haha I'm glad you love my randomness! I do like being well rested and happy. Unfortunately I haven't been in the past few days. I do try to get to sleep earlier though. I try. I should try harder!

AFIxFFTL said...

I always visit your blog! It's fun to read. I just don't always comment, because I look at it on my phone. =) Yay for Diana's funny/entertaining randomness! I enjoy being well rested, too, but when I get a lot of sleep, I'm usually tired as a bad word. HAHA! You should try harder that way you can wakeup in the mornings on time and do amazing eyeshadow looks!

PrincessDiana said...

YAY I'm so glad you visit!! Phones with internet are freaking off the chain. Your phone is super fly. =)
I have that same problem too! Even when I do get sleep, I'm STILL tired! =(
Makeup is the only good reason for me to get up earlier.