Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm going shopping today for...

a PROM dress!!!
Yep, that's right, Diana is going to prom this year.
I'm pretty excited. I love dancing, and Prom is a big dance, so I'm going to get my dance on!! Woot woot!
But anyways, this post is about shopping! I'm going today with my mom. She has been bugging me about it for a WHILE now. She was very surprised when I told her I was going to prom. She found it hard to believe that a boy actually asked me...
So yep yep, I'm hoping I find a cute dress!! I HATE wearing dresses. =( So I'm not looking forward to trying to find one that looks good on me. But oh well...I need a dress. And I'm happy to get to go to Prom this year, so you bet I'll put that dress on!! =)


AFIxFFTL said...

Did you pick out a pretty dress?

PrincessDiana said...

I didn't find one =( My parents decided to have a bitch fit about the situation, so we ended up going to only that town that is 30 minutes away from us with that small mall (I don't want to give out my location on the internet). We went to the mall and Belk and we did not find any prom dresses at all. I don't know of any prom dress stores in that town. (you know which one I'm talking about right?)