Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Did you get here from YouTube??

Hey Hey Hey!!
Welcome to my blog!
Thank you SO MUCH for coming here! I hope you enjoy it =)
I'm promoting myself =) I have a larger audience on YouTube, so it makes complete sense that I'd post a video about it. Right now I have 113 subscribers and 11 followers on my blog. So yea, I think my subscribers should know about my blog right? If they like what I say on YouTube, then they'll like what I say here. And plus, there's way more here. On my blog, I have a post for every single day. On YouTube, I have 3-4 videos a month. So my blog has a bunch more stuff. =)

I hope you liiiiiike it!!!
You can just scroll down and read from here.
Or you can look at the labels and pick a topic you like.

Thanks so much!


Anonymous said...

some people are lazy...

that me (mad about...)

PrincessDiana said...

Lazy? Is that why they don't come to my blog =( aww..