Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cyberspace is a big world

Blogspot!! Haven't been here in a while. Not like anyone cares. Oh did that sound emo? Well I'm sorry. It's just true. My blog is of not important to people out there in cyberworld. I wish it was. But reality is that my whole internet thing is not going well at all. I miss blogging, because I think blogs are wonderful. But why waste my time if no one will read it? See I'll prove it right now. I won't get 3 comments on this post. Probably not even 1. Well my best friend might comment because she's awesome and supportive like that. So, I guess I'll say: I won't get more than 1 comment on this. So then there's proof. Anyway, I just thought I'd stop by here. Just for the fun of it. Fun and disappointment?

Okay so 3 people commented. THANK YOU!! I did lose 1 follower though. :( So I edited this post, made it sound less sad. Haha
I'm trying to get back in blogging regularly. I get so OCD about having days with no posts, so I'm tempted to go back and fill them it, but who's going to go back to look at the new posts added to September and August? I should post them as new ones in October! But I get so OCD...grrr..


Anonymous said...

I,m sorry 4 that ,but you are truthful
I posted some replays here in some topics not at all coz i,m a boy not a girl love all these contents..
Really i love styles , see women put makeup, but other things cant understand..
any way i still your friend here or in (youtube) , any where..

Good luck (Diana)


Diana said...

Thanks so much! I appreciate that you take the time to visit my blog!! :)

Brenda said...

you should add a hit counter to your blog... because i can guarantee you that not everyone who visits leaves a comment :)


Diana said...

Hmm..I don't know how to do that. I wish they did leave comments, so I don't feel like I'm just talking to myself :/ So I know that someone is interested in what I write, you know?

AFIxFFTL said...

Diana! I miss your daily blogs! They always made me happy. =C Therefore, you should still do them. Duh. XD Haha. I understand why you don't want to "waste" your time, though.

Diana said...

I'm glad you like them!! Yea I've been waiting for my blog to get more readers for about a year now. So I really don't like that I'm wasting my time :(

Brenda said...

I think Blogger automatically keeps track of your hits -- on your blogger homepage, there's a "Stats" link (next to the 'new posts', 'edit posts' etc links), its got lots of great info. Hope this helps :)


PS. Following your blog!

Diana said...

I had no idea that was there! THANK YOU so much!!! :)