Thursday, September 2, 2010

Procrastination : My arch enemy

Procrastination is bad.
I procrastinate.
Oh I know that's very bad.
What am I doing now?
It's my arch enemy.
I battle with it alot.
It always defeats me.
I always lose.
Wikipedia tells me procrastination is a "coping mechanism to deal with anxiety"
I must have an anxiety disorder then!
This started out as a poem,
that's why the beginning rhymed.
But I'm bad at poetry,
so I gave that up and just have been writing since.
So you get my point, that I hate procrastinating?
But it's so hard to quit, so hard to stop.
Okay this is obviously not a poem, so why am I still typing like this? Seriously now, I have a horrible habit of procrastinating. I also have bad time management, they go together you see. I wish I could find a way to not procrastinate but so far it's just been a failure. I seriously need to get better at this! Ugh I hate procrastination! Especially when it's late at night, and I have to wake up early tomorow, and I have homework I need to do. I don't know which I should hate though, the procrastination or the homework? Well for now, I'll pick the homework!!! Because if I didn't have homework, then I wouldn't have anything to procrastinate about! Okay, I just made myself feel a tiny bit better about myself.

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