Saturday, November 20, 2010

I Know Who Killed Me

Today I watched the movie I Know Who Killed Me. It was the second time I've seen this. I watched it the first time when I was in 9th grade. I was so happy to get to see it again today, because I didn't remember much, I didn't know how it ended so it was still all twisty at the end. So it kept me guessing.
So this movie has Lindsay Lohan in it. You know, I was always a big fan of hers. I hope she gets through the tough times in her life well :) I love that she has black hair in this movie. I think it looks so good on her! Well, I think she looks good in every hair color. But the black hair just fits this movie so well.
So anyway, this movie is about a girl. A girl named Aubrey who got kidnapped. Then the girl was found. But she claims that she is somebody else, someone named Dakota. Seeing as she is covered in torture wounds, looks exactly like Aubrey, and has the same birthday, the doctors and FBI say it's the same girl. But she keeps saying she is Dakota, and has a whole life story. She works as a stripper in another town, and has no idea who Aubrey is. So is this really the same girl living in a fantasy her mind came up with, or is she really Dakota? Hmm...Well I won't say how it ends. 
I love the plot of this movie, but I think it could have been better. There were some really weird parts that didn't make sense to me. But I also liked all the symbolism with the color blue. You'd notice how so many things are blue in this movie. But anyway, this movie didn't do so well. I think it's interesting, but it's not anything super amazing. I can't say I dislike it. But it's just not that great of a movie. It had potential...

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