Friday, November 19, 2010

Now That We're Done

You know how sometimes you hear a really good song that you like alot and then you forget about it and later on you find it again and then you get super excited and listen to the song alot all over again?
Well that happens to me ALL THE TIME. My recent rediscovery is "Now That We're Done" by Metrostation.
Now, I like Metrostation. Yes, I do. My friends used to joke me for it, but I don't care. I like their music.
This song is really catchy, like all their other songs! :) I'm happy I found it on my iPod's YouTube app as a bookmarked video. I don't use that app anymore, I just go to Safari to get on YouTube's mobile site. It's way easier and better. On the app, all you can do it watch videos. No comments, no channel pages, and you can't even expand the info box. It's lame.
But anyway, I love this song! It's sad, which I like, and it's really catchy and it makes me want to sing along. :)

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