Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............

I have a strange sleeping schedule. Or sleep habit. I don't really know what term to use for it. Basically, my way of sleeping is not exactly normal.
When I have to go to school, basically August through May, Monday through Friday every week, I get a small amount of sleep. Usually about 6 hours. I have to wake up super early. I try to get up around 6 20 but I oversleep alot. I go to sleep usually around or past midnight. It's so difficult for me to fall asleep. I have to have silence in order to fall asleep. And my room hears everything from the rooms around me. The living room is a few steps away from my room. I can see it with my door open, it's right there. My parents like to watch tv before they go to sleep. My father also likes to play his guitar. All of the noise from the tv and my dad's irritating guitar playing keeps me up. I can not fall asleep with so much noise. Most nights I fall asleep when they go to bed. Well my mom falls asleep earlier, so I have to wait for my dad to go to sleep. During the week day, I run off of so little sleep. I fall asleep in school quite often, a skill I learned just this year. And after school, I fall asleep sometimes when I'm on the couch or on my bed. I am extremely tired all the time during the school year. It's exhausting and I feel horrible.
When I have no school, basically in the summer and any other breaks from school, I sleep alot. A ton. I get about 12 - 15 hours of sleep. I sleep for a very long time. But not so much during the night. I'm a night person, I love the nighttime. I go to sleep very late when I don't have school the next day. And then I sleep during the day. Usually on weekends during the school year, I'll go to sleep around 2, 3, or 4 am. In the summer, I go nocturnal. Literally, I'll go to sleep when the sun comes up. Around 6, 7, or 8 am. Then I sleep all day. I enjoy staying up all night. I'm not a morning person, I don't like the sun. I don't mind sleeping the day away. Of course, it can come to be a inconvenience. But when I have nothing to do that day, it doesn't bother me at all. I sleep so much when I don't have school. Some days, I spend all day in my bed. Getting up only to go to the kitchen and the bathroom. Sleeping is one of my favorite things to do. I can do it for hours. It's hard for me to fall asleep, but once I do, I'm asleep. Knocked out for hours.
So, my sleep routine is messed up. During the school year, I can't get enough sleep. During breaks, I can't stop sleeping.
I don't know what to do. I've tried to fix this, but I just can't. I always end up going back to my strange schedule. I get so proud of myself when I go to sleep early the day before school, or when I wake up before noon on the weekend. But I just can't do it everyday.So for now, I'll sleep when I can.

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