Monday, November 1, 2010

It's November. I'm sad.

Well It's November 2010. How this is possible, I have no idea. The eleventh month of 2010 already?! Seriously, I don't understand how this year is flying by. It's ridiculous! I STILL consider 2010 to be "new" or "just started". No joke. When I see on my iTunes a song has the year 2010 beside it, I'm like "oh already some new music this year!" But now I realize that lots of music has already come out in 2010 because, well, it's been 11 months!
I have a serious problem with time. It's really weird. I am always shocked by how quickly times goes by.
So it's November. Well I hate the fall. So all of November I'm miserable knowing the weather is super cold and getting colder as each day goes by. This depresses me. And my favorite holiday just ended so I have no holiday to look forward to now. I do get out of school for Thanksgiving break, and that is the ONLY good thing about this month to me. So, with that being said, I don't want to go to school and November for me is only good for getting me out of school.
So if you can't tell, I'm not happy that it's November.

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