Friday, July 22, 2011

Zombie Ship dream

I have some seriously weird dreams. Crazy. Insane. I wonder how my mind comes up with them. So I decided, hey, why not blog about them? I'll be able to remember the really funny ones! So I'm going to start blogging about my dreams. I'll start off with last night's dream. This one isn't too insane, but still pretty crazy.

So, I'm on a ship. This is one of those huge ships. The purpose of this ship was to move people to another continent. Some extreme disaster happened on North America so everyone had to be relocated to another place on Earth. So this boat is like it's own city, it has EVERYTHING. It's a ginormous boat. We're in the middle of an ocean somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Some scientists are doing their job in the labs. And something goes wrong. Somehow the scientists accidentally create a zombie virus. So it breaks out of course, and everyone starts getting attacked by zombies. So now there's a whole bunch of zombies everywhere on the ship. And more and more people start becoming zombies. I'm on the ship somewhere close to an outdoor section of the boat. There's a guy in front of me who is running for his life. And so am I. We reach the outdoor section, it was just a little walkway with some benches. Of course it has huge railings. The guy climbs up on the big metal bars of the railing as I'm running towards it. I turn around and there's at least three zombies after me. He sees me and knows that I won't be able to climb up there myself. So I run and I run as fast as I can and he reaches out a hand. I grab onto him and step on the first rail and he pulls me up to the top. We both stand there for a second looking at each other. And then we jump. I'm falling through the air and I see the water getting closer and closer to me. And then I hit the water, and water surrounds me. And then darkness and quiet...

So there was my zombie dream. I was disappointed that I didn't try to fight the zombies at all. I just ran and then jumped off the ship. In my dream I killed myself instead of even attempt to survive. I don't know if I was being smart or cowardly. There's no way that anyone would survive on board, there were so many zombies EVERYWHERE. And there was no where for the ship to dock. So I jumped.


Anonymous said...

oooh girl, stop looking to scary movies before sleeping hahaha


Diana said...

I love scary movies! They don't give me bad dreams, promise.