Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday the 13th

Today was Friday the 13th. I'm not a superstitous person, but I do think that Friday the 13th is unlucky.
Well today, as I got to school, I got unbearable pains in my stomach. So I went home. And was sick to my stomach. So that was not fun. See, Friday the 13th is no joke!
Later I went to Walmart and Blockbuster. I had a movie night in the evening. It's kinda my thing. I invite a few friends and we watch a dvd and eat. Last Friday the 13th, we watched the remake of Friday the 13th. I LOVE that movie! I really want to buy it. But this time, we watched Haunting in Connecticut. (Expect a blog post about it soon). So I had a lot of fun that night. But during the day, I was suffering. So that's how Friday the 13th got me this time.

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