Monday, May 31, 2010

Stay Alive

This "morning" at about 1 AM, I watched Stay Alive on TV. When this movie came out, I really really really wanted to see it, but I didn't. I couldn't rent it either, because my father would only rent movies he wanted to see. So when I saw that it was going on TV, I got so excited. Of course I watched it!!
So I actually really liked it. I love the whole plot and storyline of it. A video game that kills people. If someone died in the game, they died in real life shortly after in the exact same way as they did in the game. Twisted, right?
Well I love video games. I've played a horror game once before that a guy let me borrow. I never got to finish it because I didn't have time. My experience playing a horror game was definitely interesting. I didn't think the game was scary, but then again, I didn't get too far in it. But it definitely had a creepy feel to it. I enjoyed it because when I'm watching horror movies, I'm always thinking to myself what the person should do and why they are doing what they are doing. You know, things like "no go the other way" "don't open that door" "why don't you have a weapon" stuff like that. So in the game, I controlled the character so they did exactly what I wanted them to.
Well anyway, back to movie, so I loved that it was a horror movie about a video game!! I was surprised how the movie wasn't as gory as I thought it would be. It did have a good amount of blood and gore, but not as much as I was expecting.
Also, the video game is about Elizabeth Bathory the Blood Countess. If you don't know that story, google her. It's creepy. So when I think that was really interesting that the game was about her, and it took place in her house.
However, I didn't like that the movie never explained where the video game came from. I wanted to know that.
Overall, I really like Stay Alive. It is scary and interesting. =)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

"I got myself a sponsor"

OMG I love Teairra Mari's new song "Sponsor". It's soooo great.
The song is about a boyfriend, the sponsor, who buys her everything and anything she wants. lucky girl.
Even though alot of people were bashing Teairra for this song, I think it's great. It's definitely honest. I mean, come on, what girl doesn't want a guy to spend money on her?? This song does not make her look bad, in my opinion. I see nothing wrong with it, I LIKE the message of the song. Yes, I do think it's better to be independent and buying things for yourself, but everyone knows they like presents. This reminds me of a quote from Lady Marmalade, "why spend mine, when I can spend yours?" Haha, yes I know that song is about prostitutes, but still it fits the situation here. Well, no matter what the song is about, I think it's a great song. I love the beat and melody and all that musical stuff. Also, I love that words are actually pronounced in this song. I absolutely LOVE that. I also like Soulja Boy. Even though his rapper name is stupid, sorry.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

NYX Lipsticks : Doll

Last one!
This is Doll.

I wear this one the least. It's pink. But I think it's too dark for my face. This one is also exceptionally creamy. It felt almost melted..

Friday, May 28, 2010

NYX Lipsticks : Hebe

Everyone loves a red lipstick.
This is Hebe.

I really like this lipstick because it's a wearable red. It's not too bright, not too dark. Of course with red, you have to be more careful how you apply it. But with this lipstick if you mess it up, it's really easy to fix.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

NYX Lipsticks : Circe

This is Circe

This is a nude lipstick. The color is light, but the lipstick is very pigmented. My lips are naturally dark, and this lipstick makes them very light. It's my favorite NYX lipstick <3

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

NYX Lipsticks : Milan

Hey Hey Hey!
This NYX lipstick is named Milan. Well, I think that's a great name for a lipstick! Haha.
I haven't worn this color often. And as I'm looking at the pictures of it, I'm wondering why. It's a gorgeous color. It's like a dark pink nude. Does that make sense? No it doesn't. So just look at the pictures.

The lipstick is very creamy. Which is a great thing! It applies so smoothly. I don't remeber how long it lasts. Like I said, I don't wear it often. Sadly. But now that I've spent a good amount of time thinking about it, I know it's a great color and I'll reach for it next time. =)
The name makes me really want to go to Italy. This lipstick makes me think of really high heels. Which I love. <3
GORGEOUS color. I love how it looks on my lips.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

NYX Lipsticks : Herades

Alright up next is Heredes!

Sorry this one is blurry, I promise it says Heredes!

This lipstick is so creamy, when I put it on I thought "woah is it melted?!" Nope it's just that creamy =)
The color is a nude-ish coral-ish brown-ish....I can't describe it well...It's one of my darker NYX lipsticks that I have. I don't wear it often, I really like this color alot, but it's not one of the ones I reach for.

Monday, May 24, 2010

NYX Lipsticks : Tea Rose

Hey Hey Hey!
So the next NYX lipstick is Tea Rose!
It's a pretty dark(er) pink. This one is so freaking smooth!! Oh em geez.

It's such a pretty color. I think it goes well with my face. I mean, look at that picture. The color looks so rich and creamy.
I think this is a lipstick that looks better on my lips that in the tube. =)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

NYX Lipsticks : Harmonica

Hey Hey Hey!
I love NYX! They're stuff is awesome! I have 7 of their round lipsticks! I have had these since January, and now I'm finally getting to blog about them!
So this week I will blog about them each one by one!
I'll start off with the first one I bought: Harmonica

It is a very light pink! It's very creamy. I have to blend the edges when I wear it.
I'm so so happy that this lipstick isn't shimmery. The little color swatch thing at the bottom was shimmery. But I still bought it, hoping it wouldn't be too shimmery. And it's not!!
I have to be careful with this color. If I put on too much, it will look silvery. And silver doesnt' look good on my lips. I still love it, but I think it looks better in the tube though...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

1 2 Freddy's coming for you...

"Who are you?"
"I'm your nightmare"
Dun Dun Dun!!!

I recently saw Nightmare on Elm Street. And oh boy, was it awesome.
I love a good horror flick. The scarier, the better. And this one was definitely scary. It made me jump a few good times. I loved it.
I'm so happy this movie was remade. When I first saw the trailer months ago, I got so excited!! I haven't seen any of the originals, so I didn't know what was going to happen. But this movie explains the story very well. I think it's a great story. A bad guy that kills people in their dreams. Genius! This movie had such a great cast, I really loved the people and characters in it. Of course, a cute guy died first. Of course.
Oh and also, the ending was perfect. Amazing. I loved it. The last few seconds = awesome.
I'm so happy I saw this in theaters. Even though there was a drunk guy that got kicked out cuz he kept yelling out random stuff.

Friday, May 21, 2010

"Tonight I'm not the same girl same girl"

Hey Hey Hey!
I am a huge fan of Christina Aguilera. She is absolutely amazing. Her voice is beautiful and she is so talented. And she is gorgeous. So of course I'm in love with her new song "Not Myself Tonight". It's from her new album Bionic with comes out June 8th! This song is really fun. And the video is really hot. Naughty naughty! I love the cover to this single, the devil horns and tail definitely make sense. I love how catchy this song is, and I love that it's in the dance genre. Christina Aguilera is pretty much known for taking risks and reinventing herself. I love how each of her albums has a different sound. I'm so excited for this album! I love Christina Aguilera!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I'm eating Oreo cookies right now. They're pretty good. They are the double stuff kind, which I don't like because the filling is too sweet. I squeeze the Oreo so most of it comes out from the sides then I wipe it away. Then I eat the Oreo cookie. It works.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

AVON Glimmerstick

This was a good day. Not today, I mean the day I wore this makeup. Why you ask? Because my eyes looked really pretty!!

I recently bought an Avon Glimmerstick eyeliner in Starry Night. Oh it's gorgeous!!
I love the color. I also love how this liner stays on!! I wore it on my waterline, and it stayed there! It's a very difficult task for an eyeliner to stay put on the waterline, but this one did the job.
I'm super impressed by this eyeliner! I think it's great! And it was cheap! I definitely want to get some more in different colors.

Under the blue liner and under my lashes, I wore a gray eyeliner. It's from Maybelline and so old that it's teeny tiny so I can't see what was written on it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Essie Mint Candy Apple

Hey Hey Hey! It's been so long since I've blogged about nail polish!! Since my camera was broken, I've done some pretty manis, but I couldn't show you =(

This is Mint Candy Apple by Essie. Sorry the picture sucks, my laptop was being a bitch and wouldn't let me save the cropped copy of the good picture.

On my middle finger, it's a black polish by Maybelline with Glacier by China Glaze on top of it.
This picture was taken with flash.

I was disappointed by how unfun applying this polish was! It got clumpy and streaky! However it did only need one coat. I still put two on just for the fun of it. It already chipped a tiny bit, and I've only been wearing it for 3 days.
Actually it chips alot. Badly. This is an update from 6 days later.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Diana makes car go Vroom!!

Today was the first time I ever drove myself to school. And it was AMAZING!! I still don't have my own car =( I just borrowed my brother's car. He was very nice to let me borrow it for the rest of the school year. Which is 4 days by the way!!
I left my house really early, so I would get a good parking spot and so no one would see me and laugh at my parking. I have to make sure the car is straight and everything, so I had to back up and re-park and then I stuck my little head out the door to see the line and all that fun parking stuff. Then I sat there for a while. I jammed to Lady Gaga!! It was fun.
Then at the end of the school day, I walked myself to the parking lot and got in the car and turned on my Lady Gaga music and drove home. It was a short drive, but it was alot of fun. It felt really good. I felt so independent and all grown up. Which I've wanted for a long long time. I'm a junior and until now my mommy picked me up from school. So everyday I felt like a fifth grader. Not fun.
When I got home my brother asked how many people I bragged to that I drove to school. He was surprised when I told him none. I don't like to brag, and this is nothing to brag about. Seriously, little freshmen do it everyday. I'd be embarrassed to say this was my first day driving to school.
But it's okay when I blog about it of course =)

Sunday, May 16, 2010


OMG!!! School is almost out! 4 more days. 4. 4. That's it. Just 4 days and my junior year of high school is done. Over. Finished. Gone. The End.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

My favorite thing about Avatar

Since yesterday's post was about the movie Avatar, I thought today's would be about my favorite thing about the movie. Okay well second favorite...The cute guy was my #1 favorite. When he was human, not blue!! So my (second) favorite thing is Leona Lewis's song "I See You". The song is so pretty, it just has this nice flow to it. Not to mention that Leona Lewis is pretty and her makeup was so beautiful in the video.

The ad thing at the bottom is from YouTube, I took a screen shot while I was watching the video. I hate those damn ads on YouTube!!
But anyway, I think it's a good music video, and a great song. Leona's voice is amazing! She sings this song so well. I really enjoy listening to this song. =) I think it goes perfectly with this movie! Great theme song!!
If you've seen Avatar then you've heard this song. If you haven't seen the movie, check out this song. Or maybe you've already heard it without seeing the movie. That's how it was for me.
I promise, you'll like this song!

**Oh and also, "My Heart Will Go On" is way better in my opinion.** Sorry, I had to say that, I'm just 100% Team Titanic!!

Friday, May 14, 2010


So I finally saw Avatar. I don't know what it was like in your town when this came into theaters, but in my school EVERYONE was talking about this movie. I kept being asked the same question "Did you see Avatar yet?" My reply was always "No. I'm not going to see it in the movie theater." I always planned to see it on DVD. And in my history class this week we watched it. On DVD. So now, I finally have seen Avatar. The highest grossing movie of all time.
First of all, the highest grossing movie in all time? What?? I don't see how that happened. Titanic was the highest grossing movie of all time before Avatar. And I am so shocked and angry and hurt that Titanic no longer has that title. In my opinion, Titanic is the best movie ever. When I heard that Avatar beat it, I was pissed.
So my opinion about Avatar is not too high. All of my friends absolutely love it and think it's amazing. I just don't like it because it's not my type of movie. I'm not into sci fi. Blue people aren't very interesting to me. And then I didn't like the storyline and what was going on in the movie anyway. And some of the graphics weren't too good. Maybe if this movie was prolonged even more, it could have been made with better special effects. Not that they weren't great, there were just some parts where it looked too fake. I know that this movie was 3D in theaters, and I don't like 3D films because they trip me out, so I never got to see the 3D special effects. That doesn't bother me.
So, I didn't like Avatar. To me, it wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. I wasn't expecting myself to like it, and now I know that I don't like it.
I definitely see why other people liked it so much though. I however don't see how the hell it beat Titanic.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I love accents. I think they sound so awesome. I really wish I had a Slovak accent, but I learned English at the age of 4 so I've been speaking it too long for me to have a Slovak accent. I am so angry and disappointed that I don't have an accent. One day I realized, I may not have a Slovak accent, but I have an American accent. I never considered it an accent because to me, it's not one. But to others from other countries, it's definitely an accent to them. I still wish I had a Slovak accent though. I always will wish that I had one. I can't even fake one, I guess I've heard it so much from my parents that I've grown accustomed to it so I can't really hear it. I can speak in an British accent. It's alot of fun. I'm working on an Australian accent too, but that one is difficult. I can kinda do a French accent, but it's not that good. My favorite accent, however, is Irish. I absolutely love how they sound! I love them!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Did you get here from YouTube??

Hey Hey Hey!!
Welcome to my blog!
Thank you SO MUCH for coming here! I hope you enjoy it =)
I'm promoting myself =) I have a larger audience on YouTube, so it makes complete sense that I'd post a video about it. Right now I have 113 subscribers and 11 followers on my blog. So yea, I think my subscribers should know about my blog right? If they like what I say on YouTube, then they'll like what I say here. And plus, there's way more here. On my blog, I have a post for every single day. On YouTube, I have 3-4 videos a month. So my blog has a bunch more stuff. =)

I hope you liiiiiike it!!!
You can just scroll down and read from here.
Or you can look at the labels and pick a topic you like.

Thanks so much!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Horrible horrible day...came home to my CAMERA!!!!

Hey Hey Hey!
Ugh my day sucked extremely today. Ugh. Horrible. Just plain terrible. I won't explain why, because I don't want this post to be sad. I want it to be happy!!! (if you're curious, look at yesterday's post, that might give you a little hint)
This is a happy post, because as I came home, my brother informed me that I had a surprise in my room. And oh boy, was it a surprise!
It was a box!! From!! With my NIKON COOLPIX S4000 in it!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
Words can not express my joy. I feel complete once again. It was hard living without a camera. It was a hard hard time in my life, but now I finallly have a camera again. And a freaking amazing one!! It does so much!! I'm loving it so far <3

Monday, May 10, 2010

I'm worried

I have to go to the doctor tomorrow. But this time, I have to go to a specialist. I guess that means it's pretty serious right? I'm scared. I hate going to the doctors, I have nosocomephobia (fear of hospitals). I just hope they can find out what's wrong with me and make me feel better =)

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Oh strawberries.
They are so very good to eat.
Oh strawberries.
The fruit no other food can beat.
Oh strawberries.
So very yummy tasty.
Oh strawberries.
Happy is what they make me.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

"I'm not a mistake, I'm not a fake, it's in my DNA"

omg have you seen Miley Cyrus's new video??!
Now, I'm not a Miley Cyrus fan. I'm very very far from being a fan of her. But I have to say, I really like this song. And I like the video too.
I know many people hate it and think it's controversial. And I see why they think that. Since she was a Disney star, a lot of little kids look up to her. So I see why people think it's wrong for her to wear short not-pants and dance provocatively. But she's growing up, she's not the same 13 year old Hannah Montana. She's 17. Like me and I wear revealing clothes too. Heehee =) I personally don't care what she does. I'm not supporting her, but I'm not criticizing/judging her. I just enjoy the song and video. I think she looks really good in this video.
I absolutely hate the wings though...

But I think she is pretty...

Now I have to admit, I don't think this song/video is original. I like this sound way better than her country-pop sound. But it immediately reminded me of Adam Lambert. And of course so many people compared the video to Lady Gaga and Britney Spears.
I think people just need to chill out. I know if I was in the same place as her, my videos would be more risque. I always like singers more when they enter their sex appeal stage. ha.
In this song/video, she's trying so so hard to show that she's all grown up. Basically, in the song (the way I interpret it) she is saying, no...more like screaming, "I'm a bad girl!" In the video, she plays the role well. But that's what it is, a role.

Friday, May 7, 2010

It's on its way!

My camera was shipped today!
I'm so excited!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

E.l.f. Brushes!!

Hey Hey Hey!
So I bought some E.l.f. makeup brushes a while ago, and I really liked them so today I bought some more =)
I now have
2 angled blush brushes
3 eyeshadow brushes
1 foundation brush
1 angled eyeshadow brush
Yay!!!! I think these brushes are really good. And they're CHEAP! =) Elf sells most of its products for $1. I bought all these brushes for $1 each in Dollar General. For that price, they are amazing. I really like them. I'm so happy I finally found good quality makeup brushes. I have 2 brush sets and the first one is absolutely horrible. Hard stiff bristles!! The second one is a no-brand one from a Walmart Christmas gift package thing and they're just okay.
Thanks Treasure for letting me know that Dollar General sells these brushes!! I'm super happy about that!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I'm excited!! I'll be in HD yea

Hey Hey Hey!
So me and my brother went to Walmart today to look at the cameras. Well remember how I said I couldn't decide between 2? Well in the store they only had one, but they had the other newer series one on the website for the exact same price!! So I ordered the TOUCHSCREEN HD one!!! Well my brother ordered it because he has a card, so then I gave him my cash. It's supposed to get here in 7 -9 days. I'm so excited!! I'll finally have a Coolpix like I've always wanted!! =) =) Oh how I've missed taking random pictures...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ca$hola = camera!

Hey Hey Hey!
Today my dad gave me my allowance for the month of May and now I have enough money to go by a camera!!!
And, yes I do take money from my parents. I'm an unemployed high school student, what did you expect??
I already picked out which one I want. I want to get a Nikon Coolpix. Which exact series, I'm not sure. I don't know if I should get the touch screen one. I don't like the idea of a touch screen camera. Idk why...I tried working it in Walmart, but I was so confused. Buttons are just easier to me. But I don't know, I just might change my mind.
I'm so excited though!! I hope my brother will take me to Walmart this week to get it!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

I'm going to film another video today...

I'm about to record a video for YouTube about this very blog right here!! Just to tell all my subscribers about it so it can get more readers. Because I feel like no one reads this. I have 10 followers...I think. And I hardly ever get comments. Treasure comments because she is an awesome friend. But I feel like others aren't interested in reading my blog :(
So I'll make a video about it on YouTube because I have a larger audience on YouTube. Hopefully my subscribers will like my blog!! =)
I have to wait for my brother's camera to finish charging. It's the kind of camera where you take the battery out to charge it. So it's not like my camera that I could charge while using it. Oh wells. I'm going to buy a new camera very soon! This week hopefully!! I already picked out which one I want :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Waiting on YouTube...

I'm uploading a video on YouTube right now. It's so slow because I saved it in high definition. So right now it's at 28%. It's taking so long....It's my April Favorites video!! =)
I hope you watch it!!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

It's MAY

OMG. It's May. I have 3 weeks of school left. I swear it feels like school just started 4 months ago. Time flies. I just can't believe that it's already the end of the school year.
I'm happy that summer is coming up though! I'm ready to wear all my booty shorts :)