Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Horrible horrible day...came home to my CAMERA!!!!

Hey Hey Hey!
Ugh my day sucked extremely today. Ugh. Horrible. Just plain terrible. I won't explain why, because I don't want this post to be sad. I want it to be happy!!! (if you're curious, look at yesterday's post, that might give you a little hint)
This is a happy post, because as I came home, my brother informed me that I had a surprise in my room. And oh boy, was it a surprise!
It was a box!! From walmart.com!! With my NIKON COOLPIX S4000 in it!!!!!!!!!!!! =)
Words can not express my joy. I feel complete once again. It was hard living without a camera. It was a hard hard time in my life, but now I finallly have a camera again. And a freaking amazing one!! It does so much!! I'm loving it so far <3


Anonymous said...

oooh congrat nice gift really

that me (mad) ^_^

PrincessDiana said...

Oh it was not a gift, I bought it with my own money! =D