Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Kiss Me I'm Irish...

Actually, I'm Slovakian.
But you can still kiss me :*


Just in case you couldn't read the shirt..


AFIxFFTL said...

I've never understood the "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" saying. What does being Irish have anything to do with it? However, I do love your little twist on the saying. =)

I also really like the shirt. I'm sad I didn't get to see it in person.

PrincessDiana said...

Hmm...I always thought it went with the "luck of the Irish" thing. Since St. Patrick's Day is Irish, and 4 leaf clovers and all that are lucky. So I thought if you kissed an Irish person, you'd be lucky! Hahaha I don't know if that's right, but that's just how I interpreted it! =D

Thanks! Yep, not many people saw it =(

AFIxFFTL said...

Ah...that makes complete sense! Wow, I feel stupid! I never thought about it that way... Hmmm...now I'm contemplating.

You're welcome! I wouldn't have thought so, since a lot of people said they weren't coming to school. It's sad, because it's a really cute shirt! =(

PrincessDiana said...

It makes sense to me haha

Yep I was sad not alot of people saw it. But I wanted to wear my St. Patrick's Day shirts as close to St. Patrick's Day as possible, so that is why I didn't wear them the first days of the week.

AFIxFFTL said...

It definitely makes sense! I just can't believe it had to be explained to me... I'm slow. =)

Yeah, at least some people did see them, and ya know, the entire Internet gets to see it!

PrincessDiana said...

Okay haha I'm glad you understand my interpretation of it!

Of course, that's why I had to blog about it! heehee

Anonymous said...

Maybe Irish people danger in kisses
cool T-shirt

PrincessDiana said...

Haha what??
Thanks, I love that shirt =)