Monday, October 11, 2010

Black Hawk Down

Usually I'm not one to like war movies. But a few of them I really like. This one is one of my favorites. Maybe the fact that one of my favorite actors is the main character is what makes me like it so much. I mean, Josh Hartnett is the reason why I decided to watch it. And the fact is that he's unbelievably attractive and there's alot of cute soldiers in this movie definitely makes me like it even more (Josh Hartnett and Orlando Bloom, what's not to like?). It's a sad movie, because of course people die in war movies. From the title you can obviously expect to see black hawks go down. I don't remember how many, but it was sad to watch the helicopters crash. There was one scene that made me tear up. I'll spoil it for you. A soldier was injured on his leg, and the medic was trying to help him and his friends were around him trying to support him. He was screaming and crying until he passed out. While he was out the medic said that he couldn't save him. When he woke up, all the guys told him everything was going to be okay and they smiled and cheered him up. But of course, moments later, he died. They all knew he wasn't going to make it, but they just couldn't tell him. That was the saddest scene in my opinion. It's a great movie. Of course, action and shooting and fighting is expected in a war movie, and this movie delivers. It's so sad but yet so great. As you can see from the cover, it won 2 Academy Awards. So if you don't believe me how good it is, maybe those awards will convince you.

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