Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My eye is two different colors

Are you seeing this? For years, I always thought my eyes were jade green. Then one day when I looked in the mirror in sunlight, I noticed a part of one of my eyes is gray. I have large pupils, so I don't see my whole iris most of the time. It's rare for me to see all of it when my pupil is tiny. So I went through some pictures to find out what color my eyes are. In this picture, half of my iris looks green and the other half gray. Or is it one half gray and one half yellowish? It's split right down the middle! I always knew my eye color was really weird... Maybe this picture just came out strange?


Anonymous said...

My cousin has same but one eye black and the other is Brown my Grandfather was like her???
My mom say this is a special case happen to few people in the world..
But first time see your case check your mirror plz hehe


fern // FERNLAURA said...

Yeah, one half has a yellowy tint and the other is more jade. It's amazing! haha, I just have green eyes. Your lucky to have unique eyes ;) xxx

Diana said...

Mad: That's so cool, I haven't seen anyone with both eyes completely different colors! haha

Fern: Green eyes are the best! :) Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I love your blog. I don't have many followers yet, and I'd really appreciate if you followed me. I could follow you back!



Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter. It's in the sunlight, dipshit. Most people with common sense would realize that sunlight has an effect on eye color. I can't believe how vain somebody can be to the point where they blog about something that's not there.

Diana said...

Alexandra: Thanks, I'm glad you like it! I'll check yours out too. Please go ahead and follow mine :)

Anonymous: This picture was not taken in sunlight. I just noticed the color difference when I was looking into a mirror when I was standing in the sunlight. This picture was taken indoors, not even near a window. And it's many pictures, not just this one. But thank you for your insults, I'm glad you visited my blog :)

Anonymous said...

I have the same eye coloring, except my non-gray part is a darker brownish color. My right eye is a dark green color. I wonder what it's caused by?