Monday, October 25, 2010

OMG there's no polish on my nails!

I did not wear nail polish today. This is very rare and unusual of me. For years I've been painting my nails. Leaving my nails discolored and really ugly. But I just always put polish on top of that so it didn't matter to me. Well this summer, when I was in Slovakia, I didn't have any polish to paint my nails with, but my current polish looked really bad so I took it off. That was when I realized I needed to fix my nails. They were so yellow it was disgusting. So right then and there I walked to the store to buy some nail polish, the whole way I was hiding my hands in my long sleeve shirt. This was my mom's hometown, it got pretty chilly there. In July, might I add. Anyways, I was so embarrassed and grossed out by my horrid nails. So I wore polish for the rest of the trip of course so no one would see it. Then when I came back to the states, I decided that I needed to take action.

So what I did was, I only did french manicures where I only painted the tips. For weeks, I had to use a natural nude color on the base of my nails. It was a very light color, so it needed many coats, but it didn't stain my nails. After 2 months I didn't have to use the base color, but the tips were still discolored but I could paint over them. Then each weekend when doing my nails, after I took off the polish, I just cut as much off as I could. Finally after 3 months, my nails grew and the stained parts are completely gone!
Here is my shock. OMG!
And voila! The tips could be whiter, but hey they're not yellow!

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